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Being a Virtual AXO Executive Member

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

My time as an executive board member of Alpha Chi Omega has been less than traditional. With Covid-19 sending us all home from school in the spring quarter, I guess we only got to serve one whole term in person, but I have learned a lot about being a leader even while being apart from my sisters. Now we are strenuously planning for the virtual recruitment coming soon, so I am constantly reminding myself of what it means to be in Alpha Chi.

One thing that being on the executive board has taught me is that I need to be a strong leader so that I am able to help my chapter and in order to do that I needed gain self-confidence. When I came to UCI, I was a shy girl looking to come out of my shell. Now I am a real strong woman, a confident leader of Alpha Chi Omega and I continue to seek personal growth.

If there is any advice I could offer to a PNM, it would be to stay true to yourself. The only way to grow is by being authentic and open to learning about yourself. There is no limit to your goals, and you learn a lot about yourself by putting yourself in positions of leadership— I know I have. Thanks to AXO I have learned that I can be a strong leader and I am no longer afraid of testing my abilities.

I know we are facing hard times right now, but please do not forget to take care of yourself and put your health and well-being first. Even in these different circumstances, I am lucky to have the support of my sisters and best friends at all times. Sending my best wishes to all my sisters <3

Love, Alex Shlosman

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