One thing I wish I knew, before joining Alpha Chi Omega, was that the biggest difference between a sorority member and any other woman in college is the courage to go through recruitment. When I signed up for Fall Primary Recruitment in 2018, I had a multitude of stereotypes and insecurities rushing through my head. I was afraid of being scrutinized, objectified, and rejected by chapter after chapter of idealized women, only to be left feeling insecure and unwelcome; However, to my surprise and delight, this was not at all my experience. Although not every chapter was a good fit, from the first day I knew I felt genuine connection and potential for belonging radiating from Alpha Chi. Each day, being asked back to this chapter compensated for the chapters that did not ask me back. I was thankful that the chapter I felt the most connected to, also felt the same way about me.
Joining a sorority was never a goal of mine, as I saw them as being made for perfect goddesses that giggled, shopped, and took photos all day. It is true that I have done all of these things since joining, but I’ve also found the same women are ambitious, responsible, and supportive. My sisters have empowered me to also feel like a strong and beautiful woman who is able to express my femininity in a way that is not limited or confining. The women you meet in a sorority are as equally human and complex as any other women, but they have the strength to face rejection and not let the fear of not fitting in hold them back from what they want.
Through my time in this chapter I have grown to be a wiser, stronger, happier, and more empowered woman. I have met my closest friends and grew a strong support system of women who share my values and ambitions. To anyone who is contemplating signing up for recruitment, it is a challenging week of growth that will help you find the people with whom you belong.
Love, Chloe Schwietz